Monday, December 12, 2011

How long does it take for cash deposited in an ATM to appear in the Funds available balance?

I thought it would be instantly, or near instantly|||it depends on how close the local headquarters are to that ATM machine. when i was in college, i deposited money in my ATM and it took about 3-5 business days because that money had to be sent to a branch that was about 50 miles away.|||Depends upon the particular bank and the particular ATM, but it usually gets credited at the end of the next business day, or perhaps the day after that. It often shows up online as some sort of "pending" transaction right away, but doesn't actually get credited until later.

This will depend greatly upon the particular bank you are using, what time of day you made the deposit, and whether it was a business day.

However, all that being said, are you really depositing cash in an ATM? I thought most banks don't want you to deposit cash in an ATM. Even if your bank allows it, it is risky. If something goes wrong and the deposit is lost or even stolen, since it is cash you will have no way to prove to the bank that you really put cash in that envelope. You would probably lose your deposit in that case. (Otherwise, anyone could deposit an empty envelope and then claim that they put cash into it.)|||it just depends on your bank. and if you depoit the money on a saturday or sunday it's going to take longer because the bank isn't open. usually takes up to 24 hours for the money to appear|||I think 24 hours I know a check may take up to three business days

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